Sunday, July 17, 2011

Four Month Update

All continues to go well with my recovery and I haven't experienced any major setbacks.  I did catch a cold after my fun filled fourth of July weekend, but my immune system seemed to deal with it just fine.

I'm no longer on any antibiotics or anti-fungal medicine.  Current meds include an antiviral called acyclovir and synthroid to address my under active thyroid.  My labs are now monitored monthly.

I attended the annual National Scleroderma foundation on 8-10 July in San Francisco and it was a great event.  I was able to share my story with patients as a speaker on one of the panels and learned a tremendous amount from doctors and other patients.  I was truly impressed and inspired by the patients I met at the conference - they were amazing people!

I was able to fit in some good site seeing while in San Francisco to include Alcatraz, a city bus tour, a stroll along Fisherman's wharf and a sunset cruise in the bay.  I also proposed to my girlfriend, Wendy, who has provided me with unconditional love and tremendous support prior to, and after my Scleroderma diagnosis.  I decided to propose at sea while sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge during sunset.  It was a perfect setting and I definitely caught her by surprise.

I'm scheduled to return to Chicago for my follow-up appointment on 24 August and will provide an update with the results.

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