Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Transplant Day +16

The last several days since discharge have been uneventful in the hotel.  It has been nice to get some quality uninterrupted sleep, but I still wake up every four hours or so due to night sweats.  I haven't had the energy or desire to leave the room much since my discharge and venture out into the cold air, which has been really depressing.  However, today the weather finally improved to almost 60 degrees, and it was nice to be able to shed some of the arctic gear and get outside.  I had my lab work drawn in the morning and my follow up appointment in the afternoon.  In between my labs and appointment I walked approx 1-2 miles and it felt great!

Over the next several months my immune system will continue to develop and become more mature.  Right now my immune system is just like a newborn baby's.  My doctor will monitor my labs very closely over the next 6 months to make sure I'm headed in the right direction.  I'll remain on antibiotic, antiviral and anti-fungal medicine for 6-12 months as a precaution.  If I get sick or my labs are abnormal, then my doc may have to adjust my meds to help my young immune system defenders fight off infection.

During my follow-up appointment today my doctor said that I'm doing VERY well and to take things slowly during the initial recovery period.  I intend to exercise regularly beginning with a crawl, walk, and run mentality.  I intend to slowly do more each day, and quit when my body tells me to stop.  My doc said it's a 2-6 month initial recovery period depending on the individual, but I'm optimistic that I be back in the game sooner rather than later.

My bags are packed and I'm headed back to Hawaii tomorrow - woohoo!!:).  I'm very much looking forward to leaving this cold weather in my wake.  I'll return in six months for 2-3 days of follow-up tests that will be compared to my pre-stem cell tests to measure improvement. 

Thanks to all my family, friends, and co-workers for your support during this difficult time.  All the calls, cards, emails, care packages etc. were much appreciated.  My next post on this blog will be after my six month follow-up, unless I experience significant changes over the next several months.

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