Friday, February 25, 2011

Transplant Day -3

This morning started off pretty well, except that my lab work indicated I was low in Magnesium, Phosphate, and Potassium, more than likely caused by the diuretics. I was given these electrolytes intravenously to help bring these levels back up.
I skyped with my friend, Gary, in Italy, and socialized with some other patients, exchanging our experiences. Meeting and hearing other patients' stories reminds me just how important it is to be grateful for everything we have, especially the love of family and friends. I was able to eat a good breakfast, but lost my appetite before lunch as the nausea set in. I felt fatigued and nauseous all afternoon, but forced down a big burrito, in hopes that it would stay down, which turned out to be a big mistake. After churning in my stomach for a couple of hours, it finally made its way back up, which gave me great relief.
The highlights of my evening were skyping with my two beautiful daughters who always cheer me up and give me inspiration, followed by a hot foot bath with mineral salts and essential oils of peppermint and lavender, before an awesome foot massage given by my private nurse and loving girlfriend, Wendy. :)
I was able to keep down some soup and crackers, along with orange sherbet and ginger ale for dinner. Then, I started my third round of chemotherapy at 8:00 pm. It is now almost midnight and I'm hoping to get some decent sleep after my diuretic wears off. It usually keeps me up urinating for a couple of hours.
Three more days until transplant!!!

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