Saturday, June 18, 2011

Three Month Update

I've continued to steadily improve over the past month.  I'm back at work full time and I've resumed all of my normal activities (golf, hiking, running, scuba diving, etc.)

My subjective assessment is that my lung function continues to improve based on my performance during exercise.  I'm running 4 miles at a 35 minute pace and usually average 2-3 runs per week.  The shortness of breath upon exertion caused by inflammation in my lungs seems to be reduced significantly.  I'm scheduled to return to Chicago the last week of August for my six month follow-up appointment.  During my follow-up appointment I will complete a pulmonary function test and a high resolution CT scan of the chest.  It will be very interesting to see how these compare to the tests prior to my transplant. 

I'm also working with naturopathic doctors in addition to my conventional doctors.  While my MDs have been great addressing my symptoms, they aren't trained to holistically treat a patient or address the underlying physiological imbalances that lead to disease.  Thomas Edison is famous for saying" The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and the cause and prevention of disease."  A true whole body approach is key to staying healthy, and especially important when dealing with highly complex autoimmune conditions. 

I am really looking forward to spending time in San Francisco in three weeks for the annual Scleroderma Foundation conference.  It will no doubt be another great event and an opportunity to learn from so many others.